2024 WNA Foundation Better Newspaper Contest

Enterprise/Interpretive Reporting ( Division E) Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: Crawford County Independent & The Kickapoo Scout
    Entry Title: North Crawford: School lunch program uses more locally sourced food
    Entry Credit: Jordan Derrick
    Judge Comment: Clear explanations of something most people may not think about. Kudos to the lunch staff.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: Crawford County Independent & The Kickapoo Scout
    Entry Title: Soldiers Grove: Board rescinds support given to Swamp Project People
    Entry Credit: Gillian Pomplun
    Judge Comment: Good for you, for highlighting open meetings' requirements.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: Tribune Record Gleaner
    Entry Title: Victim services agency funding shortfall
    Entry Credit: Valorie Brecht
    Judge Comment: Makes clear the need for victim services in contrast with the funding available. Would've been nice to hear from some victims (anonymously) who received services.