Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Wisconsin State Farmer Entry Title: Widmer's Cheese built 102 years of success on aged brick cheese; Can community solar save small family farms? These Wisconsin farmers hope so; What to know about Babcock dairy - sidebar Ice cream and mittens? Babcock Dairy memories Entry Credit: Colleen Kottke Judge Comment: Good variety of articles written with the reader in mind. Well organized and demonstrate solid interviewing skills.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Ozaukee Press Entry Title: Ozaukee Press Business Coverage Entry Credit: KRISTYN HALBIG ZIEHM Judge Comment: Nice selection of business-related articles, from breaking news to features.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Peninsula Pulse Entry Title: Bumper Cherry Crop / Retro Treasure / Entry Credit: Betsy Lecy Judge Comment: Solid features, well written and interesting, but could use more examples of "hard news" or consumer angles from the business beat.