2024 WNA Foundation Better Newspaper Contest

Breaking News Reporting ( Division A ) Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: The Gazette
    Entry Title: Southside Janesville tornado
    Entry Credit: Katie Garcia , Ryan Spoehr , Karyn Saemann , Anthony Wahl
    Judge Comment: "I grabbed the kids and ran." Yeah, that's breaking news.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: The Post-Crescent
    Entry Title: Appleton, Manawa flood on same day, Fox Valley hit again 8 days later
    Entry Credit: Staff
    Judge Comment: Coverage from all perspectives. Profiled an anguished, elderly female flood victim without belaboring nor dramatizing her loss.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: Wisconsin State Journal
    Entry Title: Shooting at Mount Horeb High School
    Entry Credit: Staff
    Judge Comment: Third only because the scene of the action was centralized and therefore easier to cover logisitically, unlike the first and second-place coverage of natural disasters.