Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: The Press Times Entry Title: Press Times Front Pages Entry Credit: Cody Popp, Mike Hollihan, Janelle Fisher Judge Comment: Hands down the best across the board for everything I was looking for in this competition.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Peshtigo Times Entry Title: Peshtigo Times Front Pages Entry Credit: Peshtigo Times Staff Judge Comment: Fierce competition to others in the class; content is fantastic, and the layout is nearly perfect!
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Peninsula Pulse Entry Title: Abstract People / Civic Duty / Local Election Entry Credit: Peninsula Pulse Staff Judge Comment: The most non-traditional entry from the ones I viewed, and it left its mark.
Place Name: Honorable Mention Contestant Name: The Lakeland Times Entry Title: Sept. 15, 2023; April 5, 2024, June 7, 2024 Entry Credit: Lakeland Times Staff Judge Comment: Great job on the front pages -- just make sure to include the jumps next year!