2024 WNA High School Better Newspaper Contest

Editorial Writing ( Division A,Division B) Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: Purple Sage
    Entry Title: New law requires class rank for applicants in WI
    Entry Credit: Addison Dama
    Judge Comment: This editorial speaks to a new law that has a direct impact on students' future, and is well worth their time to read. Good job!
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: The Red 'n' Green
    Entry Title: Staff Editorial: Students, staff, and community members work hard to help local teacher in need
    Entry Credit: Arianna McCormick
    Judge Comment: This editorial praises the school and community for stepping up to help a staff member with cancer. The details justify the praise.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: The Red 'n' Green
    Entry Title: Staff editorial: Passing referendum essential
    Entry Credit: Arianna McCormick
    Judge Comment: This editorial addressed the most impactful school-related issue in the competition. More specifics on possible cuts and the tax impact would have improved it. Still, it was important.
  • Place Name: Honorable Mention
    Contestant Name: The Viking Voice
    Entry Title: How is Social Media Affecting Teenagers?
    Entry Credit: Ivana Northrop
    Judge Comment: Social media can be a major issue for some, and this editorial offers good advice on how to deal with it. Nice.