Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Student Voice Entry Title: UWRF women’s hockey: achieving two decades of success Entry Credit: Ethan Lay Judge Comment: None
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: The Clarion Entry Title: Building a foundation Entry Credit: Kelly Feng Judge Comment: None
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: The Clarion Entry Title: Celebrating Big Dog Entry Credit: Paige Shapiro Judge Comment: What a great 50 years for Big Dog. Writer does a nice job of painting a picture of Breneman and his importance to the program.
Place Name: Honorable Mention Contestant Name: The Promethean Entry Title: UW-SUPERIOR OPENS SCCU STADIUM ON CAMPUS 2024 Entry Credit: Drew Kerner , Isaiah Wiita , Evan Ludwig , Andrew Mathews , Norah Schmitz , Sama Abdullayeva , Isaac Becket Judge Comment: None