2024 WNAF Collegiate Better Newspaper Contest

Public Affairs Reporting ( Division B) Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: The Promethean
    Entry Title: President Biden visits Superior / Gov. Walz to UWS campus
    Entry Credit: Isaiah Wiita, Drew Kerner, Patrick Douglas, Emmett Appleby, Evan Ludwig, Jonny Pearson, Maddie Schaffer, Hannah Hutton, Sama Abdullayeva
    Judge Comment: Comprehensive reporting on numerous topics effecting recent elections. The piece on Biden was very well done, utilizing meaningful information pertinent to people in the Superior area, and with quotes from business owners.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: Student Voice
    Entry Title: Jobs in are in jeopardy, but student workers aren’t expendable
    Entry Credit: Student Voice Staff
    Judge Comment: Very thorough, packed with evidently well researched information. Good use of quotes. More conciseness would make it a more approachable read.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: The Clarion
    Entry Title: City hosts information session about men's shelter near campus
    Entry Credit: Kelly Feng
    Judge Comment: Well laid out, good use of photos and basic facts. Would have liked more quotes.