2024 WNAF Collegiate Better Newspaper Contest

Health Coverage ( Division B) Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: The Promethean
    Entry Title: Student Mental Health Campus Coverage at UW-Superior
    Entry Credit: Hannah Hutton, Drew Kerner, Maddie Schaffer, Sami Tough, Emmett Appleby, Yvette Klauer, Norah Schmitz, Isaiah Wiita
    Judge Comment: Waiting for Beds was a excellent blend of art and honesty about mental health needs and expressions. Written with an appealing direct and personal tone with very good images.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: The Clarion
    Entry Title: Helping veterans in crisis
    Entry Credit: Adam Reed
    Judge Comment: The personal tone of the piece was gripping and directly emotionally appealing.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: Student Voice
    Entry Title: Dan’s Bandana Project supported at UWRF
    Entry Credit: Lexi Janzer
    Judge Comment: None