Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: The Clarion Entry Title: Black History Month Entry Credit: Marie Matlock Judge Comment: Sleek! This is a highly adaptable ad design (this would have worked just as well as a newspaper stand) and has a smart placement of the QR code to engage the reader with the design *as* an advertisement right away. But more than anything else, it connotes an "it" event that you don't want to miss.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: The Advance-Titan Entry Title: Turquoise Door rack ad Entry Credit: Michael Bruckner Judge Comment: I love the use of colour and it clearly was an adaptable design to stands as well as regular print. Easy to spot QR codes. Only thing that I would seek to improve is the photos chosen. More like the upper right (mannequin modeling the fashion).
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: The Advance-Titan Entry Title: Discover Oshkosh newsletter ad Entry Credit: Ella Sasse Judge Comment: Banner ads are difficult assignments. This does a good job of communicating holiday spirit. Only critique is I may have explored resizing it to make the left third a little more prominent.
Competition Comment: An assortment of differing advertising assignments. It shows that designing advertisements requires a multifaceted understanding of dimensions and even other mediums (newspaper stands). A good use of color that stands out from the other pages in your document goes a long way for the client.