2022 WNA Foundation Better Newspaper Contest

Sports News Story ( Division D) Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: NEW Media
    Entry Title: Area athletes compete in state wrestling tournament
    Entry Credit: Morgan Rode
    Judge Comment: A lot of strong, consistent coverage of many facets from an event. Great writing and quotes. Well done!
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: The Valders Journal
    Entry Title: Valders runners storm Wisconsin Rapids with power (2 stories under common headline)
    Entry Credit: Brian Thomsen
    Judge Comment: Great quotes and nice flow to the story. Very good lede. Excellent coverage with several quote sources.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: Superior Telegram
    Entry Title: Prep softball: Revenge-minded Superior blanks Proctor for LSC title
    Entry Credit: Jamey Malcomb
    Judge Comment: Good quotes from many sources. Excellent insight into the team. Great writing flow.
  • Place Name: Honorable Mention
    Contestant Name: Star-Observer
    Entry Title: An international CHAMPION/Somerset grad Goldstein wins gold medal in Israel
    Entry Credit: Dave Newman
    Judge Comment: A unique angle on an interesting story. Good lede and quotes.
  • Competition Comment: I had such a difficult time narrowing it down to just four. Great stories with interesting events and different angles to what could be a standard story. Great job by all.