Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Ashland Daily Press Entry Title: VFW to honor Ashland’s ‘Doolittle Raider' Entry Credit: Rick Olivo Judge Comment: These guys heroes and tis type of history needs to be told and told well...good job.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Superior Telegram Entry Title: Social media helps get Douglas County dog home Entry Credit: Maria Lockwood Judge Comment: Animal stories with happy endings are always a good feature. Solid writing
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Price County Review Entry Title: Oxbo kicks off summer with 41st Tick Races Entry Credit: Tom LaVenture Judge Comment: Good story on a very unique festival. I've god some ticks here that might do well.
Place Name: Honorable Mention Contestant Name: The Monroe Times Entry Title: Tango, a good boy, checks off items on bucket list Entry Credit: Adam Krebs Judge Comment: Good animal feature with great pic of Tango.
Competition Comment: A lot of the "features" were more newsy than feature-sih, but the top Four were solid entries and definitely award winners.