2022 WNA Foundation Better Newspaper Contest

Coronavirus Coverage ( Division C) Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: Peninsula Pulse
    Entry Title: How the COVID-19 Lockdown Unlocked Outdoor-Learning Lessons
    Entry Credit: Craig Sterrett
    Judge Comment: Terrific story that showed how not only they adapted for the moment, but also long-term for an improved and more engaging lesson plan.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: Peninsula Pulse
    Entry Title: COVID-19's Impact on Craft Breweries
    Entry Credit: Sophie Nelson
    Judge Comment: Great job localizing a national trend and also looking for a different angle, one that was not being reported on nationally and also better serves the readership.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: Peninsula Pulse
    Entry Title: They Didn't Have to Be Here
    Entry Credit: Myles Dannhausen Jr.
    Judge Comment: Good glimpse at how the local hospital is reaching a breaking point.
  • Competition Comment: None