2022 WNAF Collegiate Better Newspaper Contest

In-Depth Story ( Division B) Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: Student Voice
    Entry Title: New pantry tackles food insecurity on campus
    Entry Credit: Anna Gunderson
    Judge Comment: This is a good piece on a topic that's oftentimes overlooked at the college level. We don't often think about food insecurity in college students, but this article definitely brings the issue to light. Good job!
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: The Clarion
    Entry Title: Moving to Division II
    Entry Credit: Kaleia Lawrence
    Judge Comment: This was a good, solid story on athletes and scholarships. It was interesting to know that many athletes do not get scholarships, but play sports anyway. Good reporting!
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: Student Voice
    Entry Title: UWRF rebrands to emphasize recruitment
    Entry Credit: Jack Van Hoof
    Judge Comment: This is an interesting, in-depth piece on how and why UWRF underwent a rebranding. Good quotes and perspective from those in charge.
  • Place Name: Honorable Mention
    Contestant Name: Student Voice
    Entry Title: Amazon show 'The College Tour' to feature UWRF
    Entry Credit: Lexi Janzer
    Judge Comment: Overall, this was a good, educational piece for those who don't know about "The College Tour." Before reading this, I knew nothing about the show.
  • Competition Comment: None