2022 WNAF Collegiate Better Newspaper Contest

In-Depth Story ( Division A) Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: The Badger Herald
    Entry Title: Not enough, not yet: UW makes progress on sexual assault response, but shortcomings persist
    Entry Credit: Audrey Thibert
    Judge Comment: This in-depth look at the treatment of sexual assault victims and the system they must use to report those assaults is timely, well-researched, and has impact on campus. Well done!
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: The Daily Cardinal
    Entry Title: Why do Native American students make up only .2% of UW-Madison’s student population?
    Entry Credit: Claire LaLiberte
    Judge Comment: Answering questions like this with well-researched journalism is key for student journalism. Great use of sources to back your information and relate to local news.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: The Badger Herald
    Entry Title: Equity, not equality: UW disability community mobilizes for more equitable accommodation access, campus climate
    Entry Credit: Elise Fjelstad
    Judge Comment: Bringing light to marginalized lives on campus is a worthy topic and a goal of in-depth reporting. Really nice job of localizing this nationwide issue.
  • Place Name: Honorable Mention
    Contestant Name: The Badger Herald
    Entry Title: Paper cuts deep: The evolution of Wisconsin’s paper industry
    Entry Credit: Lydia Larsen
    Judge Comment: Here the Herald looked outside of campus for a state issue that impacted residents. The explanation of the economic factors in the state and nation affecting the local scene is well-executed.
  • Competition Comment: This was an extremely difficult category to judge. The top articles were excellent, combining a local angle with context and often explaining the national or international connections and ramifications. Lots of talent here.