2022 WNAF Collegiate Better Newspaper Contest

General Excellence ( Division A,Division B) Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: The Daily Cardinal
    Entry Title: The Daily Cardinal
    Entry Credit: The Daily Cardinal Staff , The Daily Cardinal Staff , The Daily Cardinal Staff
    Judge Comment: Solid content and editing, good opinion and sports, features were good. I marked you down for design. You have excellent photogs, use them! Design around the photos you have. Your standard layouts are doing nothing for the copy you have. Read other papers, look at the cool designs being used (AND NOT AT THE WASHINGTON POST OR NYT). Try some. Make things attractive and you will get more readers.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: Marquette Tribune
    Entry Title: 2022 Marquette Tribune
    Entry Credit: Staff
    Judge Comment: Just solid all the way across the board. Need some help with editing — make a decision on your copy-editing style and stick with it. That is too all over the place. And also, remember to cover your campus thoroughly. You are the experts there. Cover the hell out of it.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: The Clarion
    Entry Title: The Clarion
    Entry Credit: Lillian Coppelman, Kaleia Lawrence
    Judge Comment: Good, solid. You are putting in the effort and it shows. You are at the point that you can try some new things — put out some special editions where you cover the crap out of one topic. You have the skills and you are a good staff. Plan it out and then try. You are going to surprise yourselves.
  • Place Name: Honorable Mention
    Contestant Name: The Badger Herald
    Entry Title: General Excellence
    Entry Credit: The Badger Herald
    Judge Comment: Love the style of this paper. Love the special design of some of your pages (some are pretty basic, though). I gave you honorable mention over another paper that actually scored higher because I see so much potential in your reporting, coverage, editing and design. You need to pull together just a little bit more — use your editorial board meetings to plan further out (I know, I know —it is hard) and you are going to get there!!
  • Competition Comment: This was a tough category. Good entries across the board. Everyone has places to work on and are noted as such. Your late nights and early mornings are worth it — you are producing professional products. Keep going. Push through and listen your your journalism professors and your advisers. They are smart and know what they are talking about. Keep reading newspapers. Get smarter. You are good. Get better. We need YOU. Thank you for carrying on our noble profession.